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Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for anypurpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the abovecopyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. This software is provided 'as is' and without any warranty, express orimplied. In no event shall the authors be liable for any damages arisingfrom the use of this software. http://github.com/pkgconf/pkgconf/issues%s: --version specified with other options or module names, assuming --modversion. usage: %s [OPTIONS] [LIBRARIES] --help this message --about print pkgconf version and license to stdout --version print supported pkg-config version to stdout --atleast-pkgconfig-version check whether or not pkgconf is compatible with a specified pkg-config version --errors-to-stdout print all errors on stdout instead of stderr --print-errors ensure all errors are printed --short-errors be less verbose about some errors --silence-errors explicitly be silent about errors --list-all list all known packages --list-package-names list all known package names --simulate simulate walking the calculated dependency graph --no-cache do not cache already seen packages when walking the dependency graph --log-file=filename write an audit log to a specified file --with-path=path adds a directory to the search path --define-prefix override the prefix variable with one that is guessed based on the location of the .pc file --dont-define-prefix do not override the prefix variable under any circumstances --prefix-variable=varname sets the name of the variable that pkgconf considers to be the package prefix --relocate=path relocates a path and exits (mostly for testsuite) --dont-relocate-paths disables path relocation support checking specific pkg-config database entries: --atleast-version require a specific version of a module --exact-version require an exact version of a module --max-version require a maximum version of a module --exists check whether or not a module exists --uninstalled check whether or not an uninstalled module will be used --no-uninstalled never use uninstalled modules when satisfying dependencies --no-provides do not use 'provides' rules to resolve dependencies --maximum-traverse-depth maximum allowed depth for dependency graph --static be more aggressive when computing dependency graph (for static linking) --pure optimize a static dependency graph as if it were a normal dependency graph --env-only look only for package entries in PKG_CONFIG_PATH --ignore-conflicts ignore 'conflicts' rules in modules --validate validate specific .pc files for correctness querying specific pkg-config database fields: --define-variable=varname=value define variable 'varname' as 'value' --variable=varname print specified variable entry to stdout --cflags print required CFLAGS to stdout --cflags-only-I print required include-dir CFLAGS to stdout --cflags-only-other print required non-include-dir CFLAGS to stdout --libs print required linker flags to stdout --libs-only-L print required LDPATH linker flags to stdout --libs-only-l print required LIBNAME linker flags to stdout --libs-only-other print required other linker flags to stdout --print-requires print required dependency frameworks to stdout --print-requires-private print required dependency frameworks for static linking to stdout --print-provides print provided dependencies to stdout --print-variables print all known variables in module to stdout --digraph print entire dependency graph in graphviz 'dot' format --keep-system-cflags keep -I%s entries in cflags output --keep-system-libs keep -L%s entries in libs output --path show the exact filenames for any matching .pc files --modversion print the specified module's version to stdout --msvc-syntax print translatable fragments in MSVC syntaxPKG_CONFIG_DISABLE_UNINSTALLEDPKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGSPlease specify at least one package name on the command line. %s='%s' node '%s' { dependency '%s' comparator = '%s'; version = '%s'; };%-30s %s - %s %s_CFLAGS%s_LIBSgraph deptree {}PKG_CONFIG_EARLY_TRACEPKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW1.4.2pkgconf%s %s Report bugs at <%s>. basic options: /usr/include/usr/lib64 report bugs to <%s>. w/dev/nullPKG_CONFIG_IGNORE_CONFLICTSPKG_CONFIG_PURE_DEPGRAPHPKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBSPKG_CONFIG_TOP_BUILD_DIRPKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIRPKG_CONFIG_LOGPackage '%s' was not found %s %s %saboutatleast-versionatleast-pkgconfig-versionmodversionexistsprint-errorsshort-errorsmaximum-traverse-depthstaticpureprint-requiresprint-variablesdigraphhelpenv-onlyprint-requires-privatecflags-only-Icflags-only-otherlibs-only-Llibs-only-llibs-only-otherno-uninstalledkeep-system-cflagskeep-system-libsdefine-variableexact-versionmax-versionignore-conflictserrors-to-stdoutsilence-errorslist-alllist-package-namessimulateno-cacheprint-providesno-providesdebugvalidatelog-filewith-pathprefix-variablerelocatedont-define-prefixdont-relocate-pathsenvmsvc-syntax88888888888888888888888k[J8888888888988϶888888888888888pkgconf: POSIXLY_CORRECTunknown option -- %soption doesn't take an argument -- %.*sambiguous option -- %.*soption requires an argument -- %sillegal option -- %coption requires an argument -- %cDILl/libpath:.lib;D'8xȲ|`h4LXx(\xXHdH (D8(Hhx0|X(zRx @/D$4PFJ w?:*3$"\@tVLn F (FL` D \$H[t$H[HU(aFHD KAB4>ExP>Ex0l FAD D`l  AABA @BBE D(G0Gpn 0A(A BBBG 0FAD D`l  AABA (FHA HB8DXFBB A(A0q(F BBB:Te$TO$cEAD QFAD4BBB A(A0G L( 0A(A BBBA H iFEE D(D0n (C BBBA A(M BBB<lGIA A(G0_(A ABBBP<Evt<Ev<Ev4zFED D(N0P(C ABBp8DFBB B(A0A8H Q GM 8A0A(B BBBA y LYD4BEA E(  ABBA |BBB E(A0D8D 8F0A(B BBBG c 8F0A(B BBBF a 8A0A(B BBBE HdHBBBB B(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBH LXTHP)FBH B(A0A8D@ 8D0A(B BBBC H84FBB B(D0A8J` 8A0A(B BBBG  DeFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB(@66{ @NpOC  S{ { o  D ~  8 ooh oo od|  0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p  0 lX kX kl,mX mX lX 8m&lX -lX :lX Gl ^lX elX jlX ylX lX lX lX lX lX lX lX lX @lX mX lX @ mX mX @1mAmOm[mX lmX }mX mX mX mX mX mX mX mX @mX Dm(mX m*m+nX n-nX #nX 7n0;nX ?o GA$3h864S5S5 GA$3h864##GA$3a1`55GA$3a155 GA$3p86455GA$gcc 8.2.1 20180905 GA*GOW*EGA*GA+stack_clashGA*cf_protectionGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS GA*FORTIFYGA*GA! 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