3 \9@sdZddlmZmZddlmZdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ ee ee ee Z e dks\t dd Zd d Zd d dZddZddZddZddZeddZddZddZddZdS)!zVarious utility functions.) namedtuple OrderedDict) commonprefixTP cCsBt|||}|tkr>d|d|||t||df}|S)Nz%s[%d chars]%s)len_PLACEHOLDER_LEN)s prefixlenZ suffixlenskipr %/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/util.py_shortens&rcsttt|}ttt|}|tkr(|St|tt|tt}|t krttt |tkspt t t|tfdd|DSt tt tfdd|DS)Nc3s|]}|dVqdS)Nr ).0r )prefixr r r 'sz'_common_shorten_repr..c3s&|]}t|dttVqdS)N)r _MIN_DIFF_LEN _MIN_END_LEN)rr )rr r rr*s) tuplemap safe_reprmaxr _MAX_LENGTHr_MIN_BEGIN_LENr _MIN_COMMON_LENAssertionErrorr)argsmaxlenZ common_lenr )rr r_common_shorten_reprs    rFc CsRy t|}Wntk r*tj|}YnX| s>t|tkrB|S|dtdS)Nz [truncated]...)repr Exceptionobject__repr__rr)objZshortresultr r rr-s rcCsd|j|jfS)Nz%s.%s) __module__ __qualname__)clsr r rstrclass6sr)cCs*d}}g}g}xy||}||}||kr\|j||d7}x|||krX|d7}qBWn||kr|j||d7}xf|||kr|d7}qxWnL|d7}zx|||kr|d7}qWWd|d7}x|||kr|d7}qWXWqtk r|j||d|j||dPYqXqW||fS)arFinds elements in only one or the other of two, sorted input lists. Returns a two-element tuple of lists. The first list contains those elements in the "expected" list but not in the "actual" list, and the second contains those elements in the "actual" list but not in the "expected" list. Duplicate elements in either input list are ignored. rN)append IndexErrorextend)expectedactualijmissingZ unexpectedear r rsorted_list_difference9s:   r5c CsLg}x>|rB|j}y|j|Wqtk r>|j|YqXqW||fS)zSame behavior as sorted_list_difference but for lists of unorderable items (like dicts). As it does a linear search per item (remove) it has O(n*n) performance.)popremove ValueErrorr+)r.r/r2itemr r runorderable_list_differencebsr:cCs||k||kS)z.Return -1 if x < y, 0 if x == y and 1 if x > yr )xyr r r three_way_cmpssr=ZMismatchzactual expected valuecCsDt|t|}}t|t|}}t}g}xt|D]\}} | |krJq8d} } x.t||D] } || | kr^| d7} ||| <q^Wx,t|D] \} } | | kr| d7} ||| <qW| | kr8t| | | }|j|q8Wxlt|D]`\}} | |krqd} x2t||D]$} || | kr| d7} ||| <qWtd| | }|j|qW|S)zHReturns list of (cnt_act, cnt_exp, elem) triples where the counts differrr*)listrr" enumeraterange _Mismatchr+)r/r.r tmnZNULLr%r0elemcnt_scnt_tr1Z other_elemdiffr r r_count_diff_all_purposeys<     rIcCs,t}x |D]}|j|dd||<q W|S)z@Return dict of element counts, in the order they were first seenrr*)rget)iterablecrEr r r_ordered_counts rMc Cst|t|}}g}x>|jD]2\}}|j|d}||kr t|||}|j|q Wx2|jD]&\}}||kr`td||}|j|q`W|S)zHReturns list of (cnt_act, cnt_exp, elem) triples where the counts differr)rMitemsrJrAr+) r/r.r rBr%rErFrGrHr r r_count_diff_hashables   rON)F)__doc__ collectionsrrZos.pathrZ __unittestrr rrrrrrrrr)r5r:r=rArIrMrOr r r rs,   ) #