source = $this->getSourceContext(); $this->blocks = [ 'content' => [$this, 'block_content'], ]; } protected function doGetParent(array $context) { // line 1 return "server/status/base.twig"; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; // line 2 $context["active"] = "monitor"; // line 1 $this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("server/status/base.twig", "server/status/monitor/index.twig", 1); $this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks)); } // line 3 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; // line 4 echo "
"; // line 26 echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getImage("b_chart"); echo " "; echo _gettext("Add chart"); // line 28 echo " "; // line 30 echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getImage("b_tblops"); echo " "; echo _gettext("Enable charts dragging"); // line 32 echo "
"; echo _gettext("Refresh rate"); // line 37 echo "

"; echo _gettext("Chart columns"); // line 62 echo "
"; echo _gettext("Chart arrangement"); // line 74 echo " "; // line 75 echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::showHint(_gettext("The arrangement of the charts is stored to the browsers local storage. You may want to export it if you have a complicated set up.")); echo "
"; echo _gettext("Import"); // line 79 echo " - "; echo _gettext("Export"); // line 82 echo " - "; echo _gettext("Reset to default"); // line 85 echo "

"; echo _gettext("The phpMyAdmin Monitor can assist you in optimizing the server configuration and track down time intensive queries. For the latter you will need to set log_output to 'TABLE' and have either the slow_query_log or general_log enabled. Note however, that the general_log produces a lot of data and increases server load by up to 15%."); // line 94 echo "

env, $this->extensions['PhpMyAdmin\Twig\AssetExtension']->getImagePath("ajax_clock_small.gif"), "html", null, true); echo "\" alt=\""; echo _gettext("Loading…"); echo "\">

"; echo _gettext("Using the monitor:"); // line 101 echo "

"; echo _gettext("Your browser will refresh all displayed charts in a regular interval. You may add charts and change the refresh rate under 'Settings', or remove any chart using the cog icon on each respective chart."); // line 106 echo "

"; echo _gettext("To display queries from the logs, select the relevant time span on any chart by holding down the left mouse button and panning over the chart. Once confirmed, this will load a table of grouped queries, there you may click on any occurring SELECT statements to further analyze them."); // line 111 echo "

"; // line 113 echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::getImage("s_attention"); echo " "; echo _gettext("Please note:"); // line 114 echo "

"; echo _gettext("Enabling the general_log may increase the server load by 5-15%. Also be aware that generating statistics from the logs is a load intensive task, so it is advisable to select only a small time span and to disable the general_log and empty its table once monitoring is not required any more."); // line 120 echo "

"; echo _gettext("Chart Title"); // line 128 echo "

("; echo _gettext("KiB"); // line 186 echo ", "; echo _gettext("MiB"); // line 187 echo ")

"; echo _gettext("Add this series"); // line 201 echo " | "; echo _gettext("Clear series"); // line 204 echo "

"; echo _gettext("Series in chart:"); // line 209 echo "
"; echo _gettext("None"); // line 211 echo "

"; echo _gettext("Selected time range:"); // line 227 echo " -

"; echo _gettext("Choose from which log you want the statistics to be generated from."); // line 245 echo "

"; echo _gettext("Results are grouped by query text."); // line 248 echo "

"; // line 270 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["form"] ?? null)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["name"] => $context["value"]) { // line 271 echo " env, $context["name"], "html", null, true); echo "\" value=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["value"], "html", null, true); echo "\"> "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['name'], $context['value'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 273 echo "
"; // line 276 echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::show("general-thread-states"); echo "
"; // line 280 echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::show("explain-output"); echo "
"; } public function getTemplateName() { return "server/status/monitor/index.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 524 => 280, 517 => 276, 512 => 273, 501 => 271, 497 => 270, 491 => 266, 482 => 264, 478 => 263, 464 => 251, 458 => 248, 453 => 245, 447 => 241, 439 => 235, 429 => 227, 424 => 224, 415 => 218, 411 => 217, 402 => 211, 397 => 209, 390 => 204, 384 => 201, 374 => 194, 365 => 187, 361 => 186, 354 => 182, 347 => 178, 338 => 171, 317 => 152, 311 => 149, 304 => 145, 295 => 138, 288 => 134, 280 => 129, 276 => 128, 265 => 120, 259 => 114, 254 => 113, 250 => 111, 245 => 106, 240 => 101, 228 => 95, 225 => 94, 220 => 89, 213 => 85, 208 => 82, 203 => 79, 196 => 75, 193 => 74, 178 => 62, 170 => 56, 163 => 54, 160 => 53, 154 => 51, 148 => 49, 145 => 48, 142 => 47, 136 => 45, 130 => 43, 127 => 42, 125 => 41, 118 => 40, 114 => 39, 110 => 37, 103 => 32, 98 => 30, 94 => 28, 89 => 26, 82 => 21, 79 => 19, 75 => 17, 72 => 15, 68 => 13, 65 => 11, 61 => 9, 58 => 7, 53 => 4, 49 => 3, 44 => 1, 42 => 2, 35 => 1,); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Source("", "server/status/monitor/index.twig", "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig"); } }