Journal of June, 2016

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Table of Content Vol. 7 (1) 2016 ORIGINAL ARTICLES

  1. Nutrient analysis of some consumed snacks in South-East, North Central and South-West Regions of Nigeria. Onyechi, D.A., Ibeanu V.N., Eme, P.E, Ani, P. & Iloka C.C. 1 – 6
  2. The effect of fermentation and germination on the antinutrient composition of Millet (Pennisetus glaucum) Flour. Okeke, P.N, Maduforo A.N.   7 – 14
  3. Nutrient composition and sensory properties of food products (moi-moi and akara balls) based on fermented luna bean (Phaseolus lunatus) and maize (Zea mays) flour blends. Obiakor – Okeke, P.N. & Nwokocha, M.O. 15 – 20
  4. Effect of different processing techniques on the nutrients and antinutrient composition of trifohate yam (Diosconea dumentorium) flours. Obiakor – Okeke, P.N. & Appolos, t. & Nwokocha, M.O. 21 – 23
  5. Nutrition-related behaviours and nutritional status of HIV Adult patients attending federal medical centre Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria. Nzeagwu, OC, Uwaegbute AC, & Iheme G.O  24 – 32
  6. Prevalence of severe PEM (0 – 60 months) from January 2007 to December, 2008 in the paediatric ward of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu State. Dtn. Collins Peace Ifeoma. 33 – 38
  7. Cyanide content of cassava products (Garri, fufu and abacha) produced in the three L.G.A of Imo States (Ohaji, Oguta & Ngor Okpala) Afam-Anene, O.C. & Tasie, T.C. 39– 43 Assessment of Nutritional Vulnerability of the Elderly Using Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) Tool and Malnutrition University Screen Tool (MUST) Nzeagwu, O.C. & Ebere U.C.  44 – 51
  8. Anthropometric Indices and Risk Factors of malnutrition among elderly in Ibiasoegbe community, Oru West L.G.A Imo State. Oly-Alawuba, N.M. & Anamazobi, A.E. 52–57 Evaluation of the Nutritional Content of commonly sold instant noodles in Nigerian Markets. Onyechi, U.A., Ibeanu V.N., Eme, P.E., Ani, P. and Nwankwo, A.I. 58– 61
  9. Chemical composition of some lesser known fruits and vegetables; Walnut (Tetracarpidium conophorum), African elemic (canaruium schweinfurthii), Utazi (Gonjoo nema latifolium)pkin fruit (cucurbita pewpo) in Ihite Owerri-Onu, Imo State, Nigeria. Oly-Alawuba N.M. & Ekwe, H.C. 62 – 65
  10. Knowledge, Attitude & Practice (KAP) of food consumption pattern among patients attending out-patients diabetic clinic, federal medical centre (FMC), Asaba Odenigbo, C.U., Aniekwensi E.U., Odo E.C. 66 – 71
  11. Nutrient Composition and sensory properties of complementary infant foods produced from blends of fermented Guinea-corn (sorghum bicolor), Kersting bean Akudi (Kertinyiella Geocarpa) & Half –ripe banana flour (Musa balbaisian) Oly-Alawuba, N.M. & Nwaoku C.S. 72-77


able of Content Vol. 7 (1) 2016 ORIGINAL ARTICLES

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