Call for Proposal from National Dietetics Association Interested in hosting the 2032 International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics


ICDA, Hosting Right


ICDA Hosting Call

National Dietetic Associations (NDAs) that are members of the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations select a member NDA to host the International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics (ICND) every four years.

  1. Member NDAs interested in hosting ICND 2032 are asked to provide a signed copy of this Intent to Bid to Host the International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics to the ICDA Secretariat by March 18, 2024.
  2. Formal bids will be due to the Secretariat by May 31, 2024.
  3. Final decision on the host NDA will take place at the General Meeting of NDA representatives to be held on June 11, 2024 in Toronto, Canada.

Please see the notice for the Host Bid Process – ICND 2032 and INTENT TO BID TO HOST 2032 ICND  form and reach out with all questions or concerns.